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Would you like to receive an individual offer and additional information? Then feel free to contact us and use our contact form. We look forward to your message and will get back to you as soon as possible.

Imprintec GmbH
Konrad-Zuse Str. 18
44801 Bochum
F: +49 (0234) 970 414 09

Determination of mechanical parameters and hardness values.


  • High-precision optical 3D measurement of surfaces.
  • Standardised hardness test (Brinell, Vickers and Knoop).
  • Determination of Stress-strain curves and mechanical properties from hardness indentations using an indentation method.
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Request a quote now.

Would you like to receive an individual offer and additional information? Then feel free to contact us and use our contact form. We look forward to your message and will answer it as soon as possible.

Imprintec GmbH
Konrad-Zuse Str. 18
44801 Bochum
F: +49 (0234) 970 414 09

Kontaktformular ( EN )

Request an appointment

Contact form

Arrange a consultation appointment now.

Would you like to receive an individual offer and additional information? Then feel free to contact us and use our contact form. We look forward to your message and will get back to you as soon as possible.

Imprintec GmbH
Konrad-Zuse Str. 18
44801 Bochum
F: +49 (0234) 970 414 09

Determine mechanical characteristics, hardness values and Stress-strain curves.

0.2% offset yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, Stress-strain curves and conventional hardness values (Brinell, Vickers, Rockwell) all in one device.


Hardness test according to standard
(Brinell, Vickers, Knopp).


Easy to use
due to optimised UX.


3D measurements for highest


Fully automated in 30-90

Hardness testing and imprinting methods combined.

  • Hardness according to Brinell, Vickers and Rockwell
  • Flow curve
  • 0.2% offset yield strength
  • Tensile strength
  • Hardness value H(also for uneven surfaces)
  • Anisotropy (qualitative)
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The i3D testing software.

Full control and easy operation Measuring points can be set individually or by grid*. The test sequence is fully automated with continuous progress display.

The archiving of the results and creation of  test reports are generated automatically. In addition, the stress-strain curves can be exported with the respective location coordinates. Furthermore, the anisotropy of the material can be visualised in addition to the output of the mechanical parameters hardness, ultimate tensile strength and 0.2% offset yield strength.

Indentation process and hardness test.

The classic Rockwell, Brinell or Vickers hardness testing methods according to the norm are also standard. Two machine types are available:

  • Maschine i3D R: Imprint method + Rockwell
  • Maschine i3D BVR: Imprint method + Brinell + Vickers + Rockwell

The innovative i3D R hardness tester combines proven testing technology and new findings from material testing in one machine. In addition to the indentation method for determining strength values, all common hardness testing methods can also be carried out with highest accuracy in accordance with the standard.

Rapid optimisation and control of mechanical properties.
Inspection and quality assurance of components.
Extension / supplementation as well as partial replacement of the tensile test.
Fast quality control in production, incoming goods, final inspection and after heat treatment


Testing of

Expansion of the
tensile test.


Laboratory and production.

The i3D BVR is suitable for use both in the test laboratory and at production-related locations in the factory. Appropriate solutions for vibration damping are available for this purpose.

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Prüfmaschine i3D R BVR

i3D R/BVR.

Low-destruction and cost-efficient indentation process. Hardness testing within 90 seconds.

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